Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Candy Coated Clowns"

This illustration was created in both Illustrator and Photoshop. I have as very strong fascination with clowns and all other characters related to them which includes mimes, harlequins, jesters and so forth. Many people find this to be unusual since clowns are a source of fear for most, but even if clowns are depicted in a sinister fashion, I am interested in that depiction and characterization of clowns as well.

I didn’t really have a plan when I first began this illustration, although I wanted to experiment with images of mimes which turn into looking more like clowns. Mimes typically have the eye paint designs featured in this piece in some way. They also usually have darkly painted lips.

These clowns are in lavender and pink hues with lots of shine which gives them a candy-coated appearance, hence the name of this image which is Candy Coated Clowns.

Stay tuned for more painted-faced and masked character illustrations, which might include an illustrated character card set.